



Hi, I’m Dina Levi

When I was in my mid 40s, I had my gallbladder removed. And shortly thereafter I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease called Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP). It’s basically a condition of extremely low platelets. I was told there was absolutely nothing I did to make this happen and there was nothing I could do to change it. I would need to monitor my platelets every month and if they dropped below 20,000 (a normal person has between 150,000-450,000) I would have to seek treatment. I didn’t “feel” sick. I guess that was a bonus. But I hated thinking that I had this condition that I couldn’t do anything about other than to monitor it. I specifically asked my doctor: “What about diet? Can I change my diet to correct this?” The answer was always a resounding: “No.”

In addition to my gallbladder surgery, and my newly inherited auto-immune disease, I had multiple bouts of kidney stones, and my cholesterol was on the high side. I never thought of myself as fat. I didn’t weigh myself often, in fact I hated the scale and did everything in my power to avoid it.  I did however see it a few times and this is what I know: my weight was as low as 125lbs and as high as 176lbs ten years later.  I always exercised and sports such as tennis, paddle, spinning and running were always in my daily routine. So why was all this bad health stuff happening to me? The answer was I was out of balance. I knew that to reach my goal of being healthier I needed to change my lifestyle choices: my diet, my awareness, my mindfulness. Change took time and dedication, but the effort and payoff has been tremendous.

Today I weigh 135lbs. I am strong, athletic and healthy. For the first and only time in my life, my focus is not about my weight, it’s all about my health. 

My diet is not perfect or clean all the time.  But it is smart, balanced, realistic and it allows me to feel and look my best.  I don’t have kidney stones anymore.  My cholesterol is low/normal without any medication.  And perhaps most remarkably, my platelets are at 75,000.  Even my doctor is amazed by this.  I am 100% convinced that the diet and lifestyle changes that I made are responsible for these positive changes in my health.  I know that if I can lose 40lbs, lower my cholesterol, and reverse an auto-immune disease, I can surely help others make impactful changes in their lives too.  I am dedicated to helping individuals who want to get healthy in all aspects of their lives including weight, sleep, relationships, career, and education to name a few.  Luxe Health Coaching’s Clients’ goals are my goals and if you are ready to make changes, we WILL help you achieve them.  Let’s do healthy together!


“I was stuck in a rut and needed coach Dina to help me make those first baby steps. She has kept me motivated and focused to attain my goals. Since starting to work with Dina I have lost 15lbs., my inflammation is reduced, I sleep better and I have a much more positive self image.”

- Ray B


My Approach


Many of my clients come to me with the initial goal to lose weight. Many have other health issues such as sleep deprivation, lack of energy and vitality; skin issues; IBS or gut related concerns to name a few. My approach is different for each person. Similar to an athletic trainer, I work with each individual in a personalized way to address their goals in a manner that makes sense to them. But here’s the truth for everyone: behavioral shifts and mindfulness must occur in order to see results that can be sustained-forever. Diets can work, at least for a period of time, but then the weight comes back. Why? Because bad habits are hard to break. We all know this. The job of a health coach is to help shift a motivated person who is really wanting to see change from habits that don’t serve them, to habits that do. This takes time and effort and awareness. But the payoff is worth everything!

Let the team at Luxe Health Coaching help you move forward from where you are to where you want to be. Let’s take this journey towards wellness together.


“If you continue thinking the way you have always thought, then you will continue to get what you always got.”

- Paul J. Meyer