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No two individuals are the same. At Luxe we take a detailed health history in order to really understand how to build a program that is personalized for YOU.


We get that you’re busy, so we will work with you to create a program that truly works with your lifestyle, helping you to make healthy choices and create health habits that are sustainable into the future.


Whatever your primary goal, we will focus on your whole self, making you healthier, stronger and more energized.




Your personalized program will radically improve your health and happiness. Together, we’ll explore concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.

During the course program you will:

  • Set and accomplish your goals

  • Explore new foods

  • Understand and reduce cravings

  • Increase energy

  • Feel better in your body

  • Improve personal relationships

Your program includes:

  • Two one-hour sessions per month

  • Email and text support between sessions

  • Handouts and other materials

  • Monthly newsletter

Are you ready to become your best, happiest self?

Contact Luxe Health Coaching today to schedule a FREE health consultation


“I was always a thin person but recently found that menopause caused me to gain about 15 pounds that no matter what diet I tried, I couldn’t shake the weight. Dina’s fun, supportive, kind and non-judgemental approach helped me find the answers! I now have an appreciation of what it means to be accountable, mindful and aware. I feel a new found calmness with my self and with my body. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is wanting to see big changes in their life!”

— Melissa F





Q: I don’t want to give up eating pasta. Do I have to give up my pasta in order to lose weight on the Luxe program?

A: The short answer is no - I will not tell you that you must give up eating pasta or any specific food in order to lose weight. That said, you can’t expect to see changes without making some of your own. For some people this is portion control, for others its food combining and for others it’s about understanding how to make some modifications that will allow you to eat your pasta without feeling shame or regret.

Q: Is there a specific diet I have to follow on this program?

A: People ask me all the time: Do I need to do intermittent fasting? No dairy? Paleo? Keto? The answer is that all of those are lifestyle choices of eating and figuring out what works best for you and your goals is what we explore.

Q: I have teenagers. I am concerned that doing a program to help me lose weight may cause them to have eating disorder issues. Do you see this as a valid concern?

A: I think any opportunity to model healthy eating behavior translates to a positive message for our children. Children will undoubtedly start to notice changes in you, but they will surely see a healthy, happier parent and possibly learn a thing or two as well!

Q: What happens when I mess up?

A: There is no messing up! Just like if you were to work with an athletic trainer or coach, somedays are good, some are not as good and some are just lousy. This is life! I am there for my clients celebrating their successes and helping them navigate through the struggles. If you are dedicated to really making changes in your health, I will be there with you every step of the way making sure you get there!

Q: Do I have to join a gym as part of the program?

A: Most people understand that exercise is important. However, it is not essential to losing weight. You can definitely lose weight without working out but a healthier, happier more balanced person almost always incorporates some form of exercise into their routine because quite simply: it feels good to move!

Q: How quickly am I likely to see results?

A: This is not a sprint weight loss program. That said, clients often see results quickly. It really depends on the client, how motivated they are to making changes. My job is to support you and guide you. I am your guide along this amazing ride!
